
当您申请成为一名学生时,您被告知大学将如何使用您的个人信息来处理您的申请以及用于相关目的(请参阅链接至申请人隐私声明)。. 请参阅本网页,了解我们在您就读bet365中文大学期间如何使用您的个人信息. 除了 to the information published here, when you use specific services and facilities offered by the University, you will be told about any other uses of your personal information. 例如, 对于参加咨询和测试中心或学生成功中心的学生,有单独的声明, 个别院系可为其学生提供更具体的资料.
The information published here applies to the use, bet365中文大学(包括其学术和财务部门)分享和披露您的个人信息. 大学紧密合作,分享您的个人信息用于各种学术, administrative and statistical purposes in accordance with agreed protocols.
The University will keep a record of the details you provided on your application form, 作为入学要求的任何证明文件以及推荐信提供的其他详细信息. We will also collect and maintain records about your studies at bet365中文大学, and about your use of the academic and non-academic services (Financial, 学生生活). The personal information collected will include data as follows:
  • Admission/FAFSA/注册中心: name, 本地和家庭地址, 电话号码, 电子邮件地址, 社会保险号, 紧急联系人, 出生日期, 婚姻状况, 种族/民族, 性别M
  • 学术:学习计划,成绩
  • Financial: income, tax information, personal finance, payments
您的个人信息被创建, stored and transmitted securely in a variety of paper and electronic formats, 包括大学内部共享的数据库(如主要的学生记录数据库Banner), Griggs SIS, 学习中心, CBORD, Ellucian分析, CRM, 中央应用系统, Adventist Enrollment Association Common Application, 提倡, 校园安全(停车), Virtuagym, 达拉, 图书馆系统). 访问您的个人信息仅限于大学员工,他们出于履行合同义务的目的对您的个人信息有合法权益(请参阅FERPA声明)。, and our use of your personal information will not be excessive.

除此之外, 大学可能会处理一些属于“敏感”或“特殊类别”的个人资料, and which requires additional protections. This includes information concerning your ethnicity, 性取向, 宗教信仰或健康/残疾 that we use for planning and monitoring purposes, 或者是为了提供照顾, 帮助或适当的调整. 对于某些课程的学习, other sensitive information may be processed, such as information about past criminal convictions, working with children or vulnerable adults, and your fitness to practice in certain regulated professions. Access to, and the sharing of, your ‘sensitive’ personal data are controlled very carefully. 我们向你收集资料时,通常会向你提供有关我们使用该等资料的进一步详情.
The University will process your personal information for a range of contractual, 法定或公共利益目的, 包括以下内容:
  • To deliver and administer your education, record the details of your studies and determine/confirm your academic achievements (e.g. 授予学位(荣誉).
  • Where relevant, to monitor, evaluate and support your research activity.
  • 管理您与我们、任何赞助商和组织之间关系的财务方面.
  • 为您提供资讯科技服务.
  • To deliver facilities and services to you (e.g. athletics, libraries, accommodations, careers).
  • To enable your participation at events (e.g. social events, co-curricular activities, graduation).
  • To communicate effectively with you by mail, 电子邮件, 短信和电话, including the distribution of relevant newsletters and social media.
  • To operate security (including video surveillance), 治理, disciplinary (including plagiarism and academic misconduct), 投诉, audit and quality assurance processes and arrangements.
  • To support your training, medical, safety, welfare and religious requirements.
  • 为内部报告和法定报告的目的,编制统计数字、进行调查和研究.
  • 根据适用的联邦和州法规,包括移民和公共安全立法,履行和监督我们的责任.
  • 使我们能够在紧急情况下与他人联系(我们将假设您在向我们提供联系方式之前已与相关人员进行了核实).
我们认为出于这些目的处理您的个人信息是履行我们与您的合同义务所必需的(e).g. 管理你的教育, student experience and well-being while studying at bet365中文大学), or necessary for compliance with a legal obligation (e.g. 签证监控),或执行我们为公众利益而执行的任务所必需的信息(例如.g. 教学及研究), 或为追求大学或外部组织的合法利益所必需的(e).g. to enable your access to external services). 我们要求您向我们提供我们合理要求的任何信息,以便我们管理您的学生记录. If we require your consent for any specific use of your personal information, we will collect it at the appropriate time and you can withdraw this at any time. Where we ask for any sensitive information, 比如关于你的种族, 性取向, 宗教信仰或健康/残疾, you will normally have the option to refuse your consent by not supplying it. 我们不会使用您的个人信息来执行任何影响您的完全自动化的决策.
如上所述, your personal information is shared with relevant employees at bet365中文大学 as required. 除了, it is shared as permitted or required by law, 在经过深思熟虑和保密的基础上, 与一系列外部组织合作, 包括以下内容:
  • 你的捐赠者和/或赞助商.
  • 提供任何外部/协作学习和培训实习或实地工作机会.
  • 外部审查员和评估员, and external individuals involved in relevant University committees or procedures.
  • 有关政府部门(e.g. Department of Education, State of Michigan, Department of Health, US Immigration).
  • Any relevant professional or statutory regulatory bodies (e.g. 全国学生参与调查.
  • The relevant University student clubs in order to facilitate your membership of those bodies.
  • On occasion and where necessary, the police and other law enforcement agencies.
  • On occasion and where necessary, auditors.
  • Companies or organizations providing specific services to, 或代表, the University and/or one of its departments.
We will normally provide verification to third parties. 您的姓名和授予的学位类型将在相关的毕业计划中公布.

bet365中文大学有权在未经学生书面同意的情况下披露“目录信息”, 除非学生已书面通知大学教务处他/她拒绝允许发布目录信息. A “Request for Non-disclosure” may be obtained at the 办公室 学习成绩. The University has designated the following information as “directory information”: name, 本地地址, 本地电话号码, bet365中文大学电子邮件地址, 性别, 婚姻状况, 家乡, 出生日期和地点, 学校, 学术课程(学位), 主修及副修), 注册状态, 职位地位/分类(i.e., 大一新生, 二年级学生, 初级, 大四或研究生), participation in officially recognized activities, 出席日期, 度(s), 荣誉、奖项和照片. Even where directory information may be released, bet365中文大学 reserves the right to withhold such information from third parties.

除了, bet365中文大学 may forward education records, 未经学生同意, 致该学生寻求或打算入学的其他高等教育机构的学校官员, 或者他/她已经注册的学校, 只要要求披露与学生入学或转学有关的目的. For more information, please visit the University FERPA website at www.bet365中文.edu/go/ferpa. 除上文所列以外, 除非您要求或同意,否则我们通常不会向其他外部实体或组织发布或披露您的任何个人信息, or unless it is in your vital interests to do so (e.g. 在紧急情况下).
在你毕业后,你的学习成绩将被无限期保留,以便你的学习成就的细节可以被确认,并用于统计或历史研究. 在你还是学生的时候,你的联系信息会提供给发展和校友办公室,这样你就可以被添加到校友数据库中. 校友及捐款人声明,列明大学如何使用他们的个人资料 http://www.bet365中文.edu/services/its/data-privacy/alumni-donor.html; you will receive more details at the appropriate time.
您有权访问由大学持有的关于您的个人信息. Further details are published at __________.

您也有权要求我们更正我们持有的有关您的任何不准确的个人信息, 删除个人信息, 或以其他方式限制/反对处理(包括接收直接营销)或接收您提供给我们的个人信息的电子副本. Please note that all of these rights are qualified in various ways.
您有权访问由大学持有的关于您的个人信息. Further details are published at __________.

我们将您的个人信息存储为您学习期间的学生记录的一部分(它可能会被用作您将来申请bet365中文大学进一步学习的评估的一部分)。. 有关大学保留不同类型资料的时间的资料,已于 http://s2cb.mbk68.com/services/archives/schedules/general/2019-02-14-general-rrs.pdf.
